
Olena Sadoma

Having 6+ years in personal energy management, I write weekly case studies, share tips and findings about energy

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Stuck in Life? Your Dreams Hold the Answers

— You know what I value in him? — What? — I asked my business partner as we were having a conversation about a possible new hire. — He knows what he can do, and he is upfront saying “No” when something is outside of his expertise. This led me think about my work. I am in my 7th year of being an energy coach. And it may seem I should know it all by now. But I don’t. I am not a relationship coach when it comes to dealing with your emotional energy that is being drained by unresolved issues with...

Your Energy Doesn't Drop With Age

Just recently I was looking back at my university years and was wondering: How the h*ll did I manage all that? I was a full-time student, had two jobs, was an organizer of numerous international and local youth events. By the time I turned 21 I had visited 16 countries. And somehow in between all that I managed to have fun, the one that university students are supposed to have at that age. Well, it wasn’t just a random nostalgia. I was wondering, whether it would ever be possible to bring...

🫂 Your Tribe At A Hug Distance

— I cannot do that, - she called me with tears. — Hold on. Let me come over, - I said.— No, just do what you need to. We are going to loose time, - she tried to push me back. — Let me come and we will figure everything out, - I pushed through. I lost only 15 min to get to her. But there I was. For her. Near her. We fixed her challenges and did everything we needed to do then. But what she got was not a fix for her problems. She had a person, giving her a feeling, she is backed up. Later on...

I broke every promise

Hello, friend. Sorry for a radio silence here. You see, I promised to show up here every Wednesday. But I haven't. Not because I didn't want to. I could not. Apart from generally adjusting to my new life in the USA, I had a move and a sudden opportunity I simply couldn't reject. Which led me to another opportunity, then another. Two weeks later I am working 20 hours per day, 7 days per week. And while it sounds like the opposite from what I preach, I am happy. Really happy. Cause I made a...

🚀Keep Going When Hard! No Willpower Needed

My last couple of months have been challenging. Leaving home and everything that is collectively called home — friends, family, my dog, my favorite fireplace at home. Then packing up all my most precious belongings into two suitcases (not much, cause one of the suitcases was taken by bike gear). And flying towards my new life 10 hours back from a timezone I used to call home. To build a new one. Man, this is hard. Please, don't get me wrong. This is something I wanted and am excited about....

Am I Truly At My Best...?

Question from a reader: “I’ve actually never thought about "energy" although I'd like to think I have a lot of it. Per my husband, he's never met someone like me that can go-go-go. I can generally work on projects until 2am and awake at 7am for the day. So in this case it's not really healthy that I'm getting less than the normal 8 hours of sleep. So am I truly performing at my best?” Is she truly performing at her best? Yes There is room for improvement What does the energy coach say, aka...

💪🏻 How to constantly have high energy?

How to constantly have high energy? This is by far the most popular question I’ve got in the 6 years of doing energy coaching. And the answer is simple - you don’t. Bear with me. While we all want to be highly productive all the time, show up at our best at any taken moment, be our best selves… This is simply impossible. More over, we do not need it. Yes, we don’t need to be at our highest energy all the time. 1. It’s energy consuming at first place. Yes, you heard me right. It is quite...