💪🏻 How to constantly have high energy?

How to constantly have high energy?

This is by far the most popular question I’ve got in the 6 years of doing energy coaching.

And the answer is simple - you don’t.

Bear with me.

While we all want to be highly productive all the time, show up at our best at any taken moment, be our best selves…

This is simply impossible.

More over, we do not need it.

Yes, we don’t need to be at our highest energy all the time.

1. It’s energy consuming at first place. Yes, you heard me right.

It is quite demanding for our body and mind to be in a peak state. So I teach my clients to use this state sparingly, to make a leap, grow, create, and take calculated risks.

2. We don’t need to be doing these things all the time. Apart from generating ideas, we need to have these ideas executed. And for that we need to be in a productive state, which is a lower energy level.

I mean, when recording a podcast, you’d better be recording and not generating ideas.

3. We have something we all cannot get away from, even if we wanted - boring routine tasks that need to be done anyway in both business and life.

Wouldn’t it be wasteful to feel all that overwhelming energy and, let’s say, do boring bookkeeping? No, leave it for the days, when all you can do is do mechanical work.

Where does it bring us to?

Instead of struggling to maintain high energy all the time, we have to learn to navigate our different energy levels.

This means:

  1. Learn our energy patterns.
  2. Get into habit of doing appropriate tasks in appropriate energy zones.
  3. Learn how to move from zone to zone when we need it.

☝🏻By the way, this question came from a recent subscriber.

If you struggle with energy, just hit reply and ask your question. I’ll make sure to answer it in the upcoming emails.

Or, if you can’t wait, hop on 1:1 no strings attached free discovery call, where in 30 min we can come up with an actionable plan for your high energy.

See you next week,


Hey, I am Olena Sadoma,
energy coach

I am fuelled by seeing people shine up, when they live their most courageous lives and dreams. I am all about working with energy and states that propel you to take action, because you simply cannot not to.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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